As Minister of Forestry and Parks, and from my personal and family background, I know how important trapping is to Alberta’s cultural fabric.
I started trapping as a young boy growing up on a homestead in NW Alberta, and the trapping tradition continues with my family and I to this day and, I am confident, will do so for generations to come.
The fur trade played a significant role in Alberta’s history, and it continues to be important for many rural economies today. Alberta enjoys an abundance of thriving furbearer populations, which are managed carefully to benefit all Albertans.
Furbearer management is a key benefit of trapping and is made possible through the sharing of traditional knowledge and expertise to new generations of trappers. Trapping helps keep our ecosystems healthy and diverse, supporting wildlife populations. Our trappers follow guidelines that conform to the highest standards in the world—ensuring the humane treatment of animals which also helps maintain strong markets for Alberta’s wild furs.
The success of Alberta’s fur markets is largely due to the values and practices passed down through families who have held traplines across our province for generations. These families see their traplines as a key part of their tradition and livelihoods, and we recognize and value these time-honoured practices.
We know Albertans are counting on government to take a responsible, balanced approach to wildlife management. Trappers are vital in helping us manage wildlife conflict, whether it’s dealing with beavers that flood critical infrastructure or predators that threaten livestock. We appreciate your continued efforts.
Alberta’s government continues to ensure that trapping remains a valued tradition in the province for years to come. I wish you all a successful and safe trapping season.
Todd Loewen
Minister of Forestry and Parks |
- Additional traps have been certified under the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards (AIHTS). Trappers are reminded that it is unlawful to use traps that do not meet the requirement of the AIHTS (pages 10-12).
- We are beginning the phase-in period for mandatory use of certified Cage and Box traps for Raccoon. Beginning with the 2026/27 trapping season, only certified box and cage traps will be legal for use in the trapping of Raccoon.
- Trappers are reminded that for the voluntary fisher collection program (see page 17) only the heads of fisher are currently being collected. AEP will no longer be providing a $5 payment at the time of sample submission. We are currently discussing alternative incentives to promote participation in this program.
- First time trappers must successfully complete the Alberta Trapper Education Course. If you are interested in taking the Alberta Trapper Education Course, contact the Alberta Trappers Association office in Westlock at (780) 349-6626, or visit
http://albertatrappers.com/trapper-courses.html for a list of course locations and dates.
- Non-residents residing in or within 30 miles of Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, who trap on a registered fur management area that is wholly situated both north of the northern boundary of Township 118 and east of Wood Buffalo National Park, are exempt from the mandatory registration of fisher, lynx, otter or wolverine. Further, an Alberta Provincial Export Permit is not required to export such fisher, lynx, otter or wolverine outside of Alberta.
- REMINDER: For Registered Fur Management Licence holders, please ensure you renew your annual licences by September 30 each year. This is a requirement under the Alberta Wildlife Act and Regulation, and not doing so may result in your RFML privileges being revoked.
The following definitions will help you understand this Guide:
Fur Management Zone (FMZ) – Alberta is divided into eight (8) Fur Management Zones, based on similar environmental features. Season timing and length is established on the basis of these zones, reflecting differences in furbearer status, trapping pressure and seasonal pelt quality.
Killing Device
- a device designed and set in a manner to trap and kill a furbearing animal by the action of the trap;
- snare set to tighten on the neck of a furbearing animal in order to kill it, where the energy to tighten the snare is provided by the animal; or
- a device that is set so that it will hold and kill a furbearing animal under water.
Partner – A person with written permission from a Senior Holder (see Senior Holder definition) to trap on the Senior Holder's Fur Management Area. A partner must be a Resident and must obtain a licence. Partners who are first-time trappers must meet
mandatory requirements, before their partnership agreement can be approved. For further information, contact the
Hunting and Fishing Branch.
Resident – a person who either
- has his or her only or primary residence in Alberta and
- is a Canadian citizen or admitted to permanent residence in Canada, or
- has lived in Canada for the 12-month period immediately preceding the relevant date;
- is on full-time service with the Canadian Armed Forces and would, if an election were held under the Elections Act (Canada), be eligible to vote in Alberta under that Act.
Registered Fur Management Area (RFMA) – a parcel of public land the boundary of which is described on the original Registered Fur Management Licence.
Registered Fur Management Licence – a licence to hunt and trap furbearing animals on the lands described on the licence, as well as on private lands that the licence-holder owns or occupies.
Resident Fur Management Licence – a licence available for trapping on privately owned and some public lands not included in Registered Fur Management Areas. For further information contact the
Hunting and Fishing Branch.
Senior Holder – the principal holder of a Registered Fur Management Area, and the person who has authority to give written consent to establish partnerships.
WMU – Wildlife Management Unit, a geographical area prescribed in legislation.