Management Messages
Message from the Honourable Todd Loewen

Alberta is proud of our hunting heritage, unique culture, and way of life. We are home to over 150,000 resident hunters who enjoy a broad and generous diversity of hunting experiences and species. Our province is also happy to share these experiences, hosting hunters from across the country and around the world.
Alberta’s expansive and diverse natural spaces provide unmatched opportunity for hunters to connect with the great outdoors while helping us meet long-term management goals for our wildlife populations through hunting.
Anyone who spends time exploring the great outdoors in our province knows we have some of the healthiest big game species in the world. We continue to work with a variety of stakeholders within Alberta including recreational hunters, outfitters, landowners, and industry to support enhanced hunting in our province. Alberta continues to be a top hunting destination in North America, with abundant hunting opportunities.
The Ministry of Forestry and Parks works closely with conservation and hunting organizations to ensure the right balance between wildlife management and recreation is attained. This helps us provide hunters of all ages and types with positive hunting experiences in Alberta’s forests, mountains, and prairies. I believe that having healthy wildlife populations with mature animals on the landscape is something all Albertans appreciate.
Hunters play a key role in conservation through the purchase of hunting licences and special licence draw applications, with money being used to fund conservation programs and habitat enhancement for many game and non-game species. Additional funds for conservation are raised annually through the sale of Minister’s Special Licences. Each year, close to a million dollars is raised through the Minister’s Special Licences alone that is reinvested into conservation and hunting programs here in Alberta.
A key organization involved in the conservation of fisheries and wildlife is the Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) which is supported through a levy on fishing and hunting licences. In 2023-24 the levy provided just under $14 million to enable this important work.
For 2024 we’ve also standardized hunting fees to help everyone plan their season more easily. We’ve reviewed and adjusted licence fees grouping various licence fees together for a simplified fee structure. As a result of the licence fee review, the ACA will receive an estimated $1.5 million in additional funding to continue their important work of supporting hunting and fishing initiatives in Alberta.
Personally, I’ve enjoyed a lifetime of hunting experiences in Alberta, and have shared my passion for the outdoors with my children and grand children. There’s few things in life I find more exhilarating than hearing an elk bugle, waking up to a frosty morning on a backpack hunt in the rockies, or sitting in a blind waiting for waterfowl.
Please accept my best wishes for a successful and safe hunting season in 2024!
Todd Loewen
Minister of Forestry and Parks
Important Changes and Information for 2024
- Minister’s Special Licence. The Minister’s Special Licence for Trophy Antelope, Antlered White-tailed Deer, Antlered Mule Deer, Antlered Elk, Antlered Moose, Trophy Sheep, Wild Turkey, Mountain Goat, and Cougar is now available for residents only through the Special Licence Draw. Information on the Minister’s Special Licence opportunities can be found at hunting/ministers-special-licence.aspx.
- The cost for Special Licence Draw applications has increased to $5.00 per application.
- Licence fees for the 2024 hunting season have been changed. The fees for the 2024 hunting season are identified on pages 43-46 and will come into effect August 1, 2024.
- Antlerless Elk hunting in WMU 300 (Draw Code 21) has been moved to Antlerless Elk Special Licence (Draw Code 19). There is no change to Antlered Elk hunting under the WMU 300 Elk Special Licence.
- New Elk hunting seasons have been created in WMUs 106, 112, 116, 118, 119, 130, 134, 140, 250, 503, 504, 506, 509, 512, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, and 841.
- A third Antlerless Elk Season in WMU 212 has been created for November 1-30 and the January season now ends January 31.
- Antlerless Elk seasons now end January 31 in the following WMUs: 110, (132, 136, 138), (162, 163, 164, 166), (151, 152), (156, 158, 160), (200, 202, 203, 232, 234), (252, 254, 258, 260), (236, 238, 256), (206, 222, 226, 244, 246), (208, 210, 220), (204, 228, 230), (240, 242), 214, 216, 221, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308, 310, 312, 314, 320, 322, 337, 338, 346, 348, 357, 358, 359, 360, 500, 501, 502, 505, 507, 508, 510, 511, 514, 520, 521, 522, 523, 526, 527, 537 and 544.
- Antlerless Elk seasons now end February 8 in the following WMUs (124, 128, 142, 144, 148, 150).
- A new season has been created for non-trophy sheep in WMU 404A.
- The non-trophy sheep season in WMU 410 now ends October 31.
- Non-trophy sheep hunters are asked to submit a nasal swab for Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae testing. Swabs will be mailed to all successful applicants in the non-trophy sheep draw.
- Hunting draws are available for 2024 in several Goat Hunting Areas.
- The archery and general seasons dates have been adjusted in WMUs 326, 328, 330, 429, and 841.
- The Strathcona White-tailed Deer Licence has been renamed to WMU 248 White-tailed Deer Licence.
- The Supplemental Antlerless White-tailed Deer Licence will be issued with one tag. This tag is valid in the following WMUs: 200-208, 214-246, 248, 258-260, 300, 304-305, 310-314, 320-322, 332-337, 344, 348, 350-353, 355, 357-360, 440-446, 500-544.
- Cougars must now be registered at designated offices. See page 13 for list of offices.
- Cougar harvest must be reported by email or text within 24 hours of the kill. See for details.
- The requirement for physical registration of cougars has changed from 1 day to 5 days after the kill.
- New wildlife management units have been added to cougar management areas allowing hound hunting in more of Alberta. See for a map and details.
- Alberta now has 2 game bird licences for non-resident alien hunters;
- If you contract an outfitter to guide you for game birds you must purchase an “Guided NRA Game Bird Licence”.
- If you choose to hunt without the services of an outfitter you must purchase an “Unguided NRA Game Bird Licence”. Unguided NRA Game Bird Licences are valid in 3 wildlife management units for 7 continuous days (preselected by the purchaser) and the hunter may purchase 2 unguided NRA game bird licences during a year.
- If you contract an outfitter to guide you for game birds you must purchase an “Guided NRA Game Bird Licence”.
The following definitions will help you understand these regulations:
Antlered - a white-tailed deer, mule deer, moose or elk having an antler exceeding 10.2 cm (4 in.) in length.
Antlerless - a white-tailed deer, mule deer, moose or elk that is not "antlered" (as defined above).
Bait - any substance that consists of a food attractant, including mineral and any representation of a food attractant.
Big Game Designated Guide - a person designated by the Alberta Professional Outfitters Society to commercially guide big game hunters in Alberta. A Designated Guide may guide not more than two Non-resident (Canadian) and Non-resident alien big game hunters at a time in any part of Alberta, provided that each Non-resident (Canadian) or Non-resident Alien has contracted the hunt through an Outfitter. A Designated Guide may guide up to three non-resident or non-resident aliens when hunting black bear. The two-hunter limit does not include Resident hunters.
Big Game Outfitter - a person who is the holder of a valid Outfitter Permit, and who provides outfitting and guiding services to big game hunters in Alberta.
- Class S Outfitter - an Outfitter who holds Non-resident (Canadian)/Non-resident Alien allocations for Trophy Sheep Special Licences. A Class S Outfitter may also hold allocations for other big game special licences.
- Class T Outfitter - an Outfitter who holds allocations valid for Non-resident (Canadian) and Non-resident Alien big game special licences other than those for trophy sheep.
Bird Game Designated Guide - a person designated by the Alberta Professional Outfitters Society to commercially guide game bird hunters in Alberta.
Bird Game Outfitter - a person who is the holder of a valid Bird Game Outfitter Permit issued by the Alberta Professional Outfitters Society, and who provides outfitting and guiding services to non-resident and non-resident alien game bird hunters in Alberta.
Either Sex Special Elk - authorizes the hunting of any age, size, or gender of elk in a specific WMU.
Green Area - forest lands not available for agricultural development other than grazing. In general, the Green Area is public land outside the parkland and prairie regions, or roughly in the northern half of the province and within a strip running along the Rocky Mountains and foothills.
Hunter Host - an adult resident who is the holder of a valid Hunter Host Licence. To obtain this licence, the adult must hold a valid WiN and be eligible to hold recreational hunting licences. A Hunter Host may not provide services for gain or reward, or accept a fee for services, directly or indirectly. The licence authorizes the holder (usually a relative or friend of the hunters to be hosted) to host a maximum of two non-residents (Canadian) or non-resident aliens* named on the host's licence to hunt wolf, coyote and big game throughout the province.
* Non-resident alien hunters are referred to Outfitting and Guiding Requirements for additional conditions and restrictions.
Legal Hunting Firearm
- Must comply with big game and bird game restrictions listed under General Regulations (see pages 28/29);
- Can have any stock design or stock composition;
- Is not limited by the energy its projectile(s) produces (see page 29 for air-pistol velocity limits);
- Can have any bore or caliber size except for restrictions listed under General Regulations (see pages 28/29);
- Can hold any amount of ammunition except for restrictions listed under General Regulations (see pages 28/29); and
- Can have any action other than fully automatic.
Loaded Firearm - A firearm in or on a vehicle, aircraft or boat is considered loaded if it has live ammunition in the breech, chamber or magazine. Cartridges are permitted in a magazine that is not attached to the firearm.
Non-resident (Canadian) - a person who is not a Resident (see below), but who makes his or her home and is ordinarily present in Canada, and who has lived in Canada for the 12-month period immediately preceding the relevant date.
Non-resident Alien - a person who is neither a Resident (see below) nor a Non-resident (see above).
OHV (Off-Highway Vehicle) - any motorized vehicle designed for cross-country travel on land, water, snow, ice, marsh or swamp land, or on other natural terrain. (Exceptions: motor boats, as well as four-wheel-drive vehicles and motorcycles registered in accordance with the Traffic Safety Act.) Among OHVs, include the following kinds of vehicles when they are designed for cross-country travel as described above:
- four-wheel drive or low pressure tire vehicles,
- motorcycles and related two-wheel vehicles,
- amphibious machines,
- all-terrain vehicles,
- miniature motor vehicles,
- snow vehicles,
- minibikes, or
- any other means of transportation that is propelled by any power other than muscular power or wind.
Partner Licence - a licence issued to an eligible hunter that allows him or her to hunt a specific species in a specified WMU and season under the direct authority of a Special Licence held by another hunter successful in a draw.
Resident - a person who either
- has his or her only or primary residence in Alberta and
- is a Canadian citizen or is admitted to permanent residence in Canada, or
- has lived in Canada for the 12-month period immediately preceding the relevant date; or
- is on full-time service with the Armed Forces of Canada and would, if an election were held under the Elections Act (Canada), be eligible to vote in Alberta under that Act.
Special Licence - a licence obtained through a draw process, or for Non-resident and Non-resident Alien hunters, through an Outfitter-guide. It permits hunting of a specific type or class of game only in specific areas during a specified season. Click here for details.
Weapon - a firearm or any other device that propels a projectile by means of an explosion, spring, air, gas, string, wire or elastic material or any combination of those things.
White Geese - snow and Ross' geese.
WMU - Wildlife Management Unit, a geographical area prescribed in legislation.
WiN - Wildlife Identification Number, a permanent registration number issued to each hunter and angler.
Month Abbreviations
The following defines the month abbreviations used in this guide:
A – August S – September O – October
N – November D – December
J – January F – February M – March
Ap – April Ma – May Ju – June