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Winefred Lake Wildlife Management Unit (517)

Commencing at the intersection of the Canadian National Railway railway line and the right bank of the Kettle River in section 32, township 80, range 6, west of the fourth meridian; thence downstream along the right bank of the Kettle River to the right bank of the Christina River; thence downstream along the right bank of the Christina River to the right bank of the Winefred River; thence upstream along the right bank of the Winefred River to the right bank of the Landels River; thence upstream along the right bank of the Landels River to the right bank of Graham Creek; thence upstream along the right bank of Graham Creek to the Alberta‑Saskatchewan border; thence southerly along the provincial boundary to the north boundary of the Department of National Defence Cold Lake (Primrose Lake) Air Weapons Range; thence westerly along the north boundary of Air Weapons Range to its northwest corner; thence continuing westerly along the section line between sections 18 and 19, township 73, range 9, west of the fourth meridian to the Canadian National Railway railway line; thence northeasterly along the railway line to the point of commencement.