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Pelican Mountains Wildlife Management Unit (511)

Commencing at the intersection of highway 88 and secondary highway 754; thence northeasterly along secondary highway 754 to the right bank of the Wabasca River; thence upstream along the right bank of the Wabasca River to South Wabasca Lake; thence southeasterly along the shoreline of South Wabasca Lake to the boundary of Wabasca Indian Reserve 166; thence northerly, easterly and southerly along the boundary of Wabasca Indian Reserve 166 to the shoreline of Sandy Lake; thence southwesterly around the shoreline of Sandy Lake to secondary highway 813 in the Hamlet of Sandy Lake; thence southeasterly along secondary highway 813 to Calling River in section 32, township 71, range 21, west of the fourth meridian; thence upstream along Calling River to the southeast shoreline of Calling Lake; thence westerly along the  southern shoreline of Calling Lake to its intersection with the north boundary of township 71, range 22, west of the fourth meridian; thence westerly along the north boundary of township 71 to the right bank of the Athabasca River, thence upstream along the right bank of the Athabasca River to the right bank of the Lesser Slave River; thence westerly along the right bank of the Lesser Slave River to highway 88; thence northwesterly along highway 88 to the point of commencement.