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Thunder Lake Wildlife Management Unit (507)

Commencing where highway 43 crosses the Athabasca River at Whitecourt; thence downstream along the right bank of the Athabasca River to secondary road 658; thence northerly and easterly along secondary road 658 to the point where it intersects the western boundary of range 8 at the southwest corner of section 7, township 61, range 8, west of the fifth meridian; thence northerly along the western boundary of range 8 for a distance of approximately 9.7 km (6.0 miles) to a road at the northwest corner of section 6, township 62, range 8, west of the fifth meridian; thence easterly along this road which forms the northern boundary of sections 6 and 5, township 62, range 8, west of the fifth meridian a distance of 3.2 km (2.0 miles) to its junction with a road at the northeast corner of section 5, township 62, range 8, west of the fifth meridian; thence northeasterly along this road through sections 9 and 16, township 62, range 8, west of the fifth meridian to its junction with township road 62‑3, locally known as the Judy Creek road; thence easterly along township road 62‑3 to its junction with the Peace Pipeline near the southeast corner of section 20, township 62, range 7, west of the fifth meridian; thence northeasterly along the Peace Pipeline to its intersection with the northern boundary of township 64; thence easterly along the northern boundary of township 64 to its intersection with the Trans‑Alta Utilities power line which services Slave Lake; thence southerly along this power line to secondary road 661; thence southeasterly along secondary road 661 to the right bank of the Athabasca River; thence upstream along the right bank of the Athabasca River to highway 33; thence southeasterly along highway 33 to the right bank of the Paddle River; thence upstream along the right bank of the Paddle River to highway 43; thence northwesterly along highway 43 to the point of commencement.