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Cold Lake Wildlife Management Unit (501)

Commencing at the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section 25, township 64, range 7, west of the fourth meridian; thence easterly along the boundary of the Wolf Lake Provincial Grazing Reserve to the northwest corner of section 19, township 64, range 5, west of the fourth meridian; thence easterly and northerly along the southern and eastern boundaries of section 30, township 64, range 5, west of the fourth meridian to the intersection with the 240MV ATCO Electric Ltd. powerline on the eastern boundary of the southeast quarter section of section 30, township 64, range 5, west of the fourth meridian; thence southerly and easterly along the powerline to the ATCO Electric Ltd. substation in section 15, township 64, range 3, west of the fourth meridian; thence southerly and easterly along the perimeter of the substation to its southeast corner; thence directly southeasterly to the intersection of the ESSO Limited road and the municipal road in section 15, township 64, range 3, west of the fourth meridian; thence northeasterly and easterly along the municipal road to secondary road 897, also known as the Primrose Highway; thence southerly along secondary road 897 to the northern boundary of section 13, township 64, range 3, west of the fourth meridian; thence easterly along this section line to the northwest corner of the Cold Lake Indian Reserve # 149B; thence continuing easterly along the north boundary of the Indian reserve to the shoreline of Cold Lake; thence northerly and easterly along the shoreline of Cold Lake to the Alberta‑Saskatchewan border; thence southerly along the provincial border to the northern boundary of township 60; thence westerly along this township line to secondary road 659; thence northerly and westerly along secondary road 659 to secondary road 657; thence southerly and westerly along secondary road 657 to highway 28; thence northeasterly along highway 28 to highway 41; thence northerly along highway 41 to highway 55; thence westerly along highway 55 to the right bank of Manatokan Creek; thence upstream along the right bank of Manatokan Creek to Manatokan Lake; thence westerly, northerly and easterly along the shoreline of Manatokan Lake to the municipal boat launch on the road allowance west of the southeast corner of section 26, township 63, range 7, west of the fourth meridian; thence directly east to range line 7‑1; thence north along range line 7‑1 to the point of commencement.