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O’Chiese Wildlife Management Unit (330)

Commencing where highway 11 crosses the North Saskatchewan River north of Rocky Mountain House; thence upstream along the right bank of the North Saskatchewan River to the west boundary of the northeast quarter of section 8, township 40, range 9, west of the 5th meridian; thence directly north to highway 11; thence northwesterly along highway 11 to its junction with the road locally known as the Sunchild/O’Chiese Road; thence northerly along the Sunchild/O’Chiese Road to the right bank of the Brazeau River at the Brazeau Dam; thence downstream along the right bank of the Brazeau River to its confluence with the North Saskatchewan River; thence directly across the North Saskatchewan River to the nearest point on its right bank; thence downstream along the right bank of the North Saskatchewan River to its confluence with Wolf Creek; thence upstream along the right bank of Wolf Creek to highway 22; thence southerly along highway 22 to highway 11; thence westerly along highway 11 to the point of commencement.