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Forty Mile Wildlife Management Unit (118)

Commencing at the Alberta‑Saskatchewan boundary and secondary road 501 (Red Coat trail); thence westerly along secondary road 501 to secondary road 889 (locally known as Black and White Trail); thence northerly along secondary road 889 to the road locally known as Ranchville Road, also known as township road 7‑4; thence northerly and easterly along the Ranchville Road to a road locally known as Eagle Butte Road (a point at the southeast corner of township 8, range 4, west of the fourth meridian); thence easterly to the boundary of Cypress Hills Provincial Park at the southwest corner of section 6, township 8, range 3 west of the fourth meridian; thence easterly along the southern boundary of Cypress Hills Provincial Park to the Alberta‑Saskatchewan boundary; thence southerly along the Alberta‑Saskatchewan boundary to the point of commencement.